Getting Started on Truwl

Follow this guide to get up and running on Truwl in a flash.

Start your free trial and run your first workflow

So you can get a feel for how things work around here, we allow you to run one successful workflow free of charge with your free trial account.


Register or Login

Kind of goes without saying, right? Although, we do value open science and work hard to make sure you can find and explore all our workflows before ever needing to login. No paywalls, no content gates.

Login or Register

Browse our list of workflows and find one you like

Access ready to use trusted workflows from GATK, BioWDL, ENCODE, and more. Runnable workflows are marked by the green Truwl corner badge.

Browse Workflows

Create an Experiment

Click on the '+ experiment' button OR start from a shared example by looking at the "Shared Example" tab and clicking on the 'fork' button. This will pre-populate your input editor from the inputs used in the shared experiment.


Start your free trial

No credit card required, just some curiosity. You'll get access to our complete catalog of workflows, with the ability to run one full analysis for free. We won't charge you for failed workflows, so keep trying until you get it right.

Start Free Trial

Point to your data

Fill in the required parameters. Specify the file inputs with a URI. Our system can access internet-accessible publicly available data that has a URI (e.g. gs://bucket-name/mydata.fastq, s3://bucket-name/mydata.bam,, etc) . If your data needs to remain private, or you want Truwl to provide you with a cloud bucket for storage, you will need to upgrade to a paid account.


Hit Run

From here, your job will be routed to an available workflow runner. You can monitor running jobs and view detailed job output and status as it updates. Or just go about your business and we'll notify you by email when your job is done.

View Jobs

Rinse, repeat

Once a job starts the inputs for that job are stored and you can modify the inputs and launch more jobs (paid accounts only)


Grab some extra credit by staying in touch


Update your profile

Let others know more about you by updating your profile.

Update Profile

Join our Slack community

...or follow Truwl on LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube (links at the bottom of the page)

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Request a Method

If there's a workflow out there that you'd like to see on Truwl, let us know. We're always adding new content.

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